This paper presents the mathematical modelling of a fuzzy logic based car parking system. Many people are facing problems on parking vehicles in parking lot in most urban cities. The technology of fuzzy based system is necessary for all vehicle users to acquire parking slot in cities. Smart parking system helps in obtaining information about available parking space, organize, process it and then place the car at certain position. The method adopted make use of a fuzzy based smart car parking system to develop the usage of small parking spaces for parking lots to allow the parking of vehicles based on their weight. Two sets of parking decisions, namely vehicle entry decision and in-park decision were used to control the weight of vehicles and the availability of parking spaces in the parking mall. The results obtained shows that the smart car parking system keeps the availability of parking lots in equilibrium depending on the entry and exit of vehicles. In conclusion, it was discovered that the total number of vehicles granted for entry at each time interval depends on the availability of parking lots at each designated floor.
KEYWORDS: Mathematical modelling, Car parking system, Parking lot, Weight of vehicle, Fuzzy logic
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