This experimental study considered the use of sawdust ash (SDA) as a partial replacement for cement and sawdust as a partial replacement for sand as fine aggregate in the production of  concrete. The sawdust replacement percentage was kept constant at 2.5% while that of SDA varied from 0 to 10%. A total of 60 concrete cubes of 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm for testing in the laboratory were produced. Two sets of samples were produced; one set with 0% sawdust and the other with 2.5% sawdust. Sieve analysis was carried out on the sawdust specimen while pozzolanicity test was carried out on SDA. Slump test was carried out on
fresh concrete while compressive strength and Bulk density were tested at 7 and 28 days of  curing. Results showed that pozzolanicity of SDA were greater at room temperature and  increased with reaction time. Increased SDA proportions resulted in increased workability. Bulk Density had its greatest value at 5% SDA replacement while that of compressive strength was at 7.5%. The control mix with 0% sawdust had greater values than that with 2.5% sawdust replacement for both compressive strength and bulk density.
KEYWORDS:Sawdust ash, sawdust, concrete, compressive strength, bulk density
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